Ennovate- Coding Challenge 2023

1039 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
1039 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Apr 10, 2023, 04:30 AM ()
ends on:
May 18, 2023, 06:29 PM ()
starts on:
May 19, 2023, 03:42 AM ()
ends on:
Jun 18, 2023, 11:55 PM ()


Judging Criteria

High-Quality Image Processing

1. Image Registration Accuracy: Participants should develop a solution that achieves accurate image registration with respect to the reference image using various metrics such as Average Hash, Perceptual Hash, w Hash, MSE, PSNR, SSIM, and Cross Correlation.

2. Image Processing Speed: The average time taken to process each image should be minimized for efficient image processing.

3. Overall Processing Time: The total time taken to process the entire set of images should be minimized, taking parallelization into account.

4. Solution Extensibility: The solution developed by participants should be generalizable and not limited to the specific image sets provided, demonstrating its potential for use in diverse contexts.

Ennteract – Engage our customers

1. Value to Stakeholders: How valuable is the experience to the stakeholders such as the brand, end customers, and Ennoventure? For example, does it guide towards sales channels, create engagement channels for marketing teams, or provide other relevant benefits?

2. User Engagement: How engaged are end consumers at each touchpoint? This includes both interactivity and gamification. What elements of gamification have been used to enhance the user experience?

3. Extensibility: Is your solution creative and innovative? Are there any external integrations to larger ecosystems such as social media, marketing tools of brands, or e-commerce systems?

4. Creativity and User Experience: How creative and innovative is the solution? What was the wow factor that made it stand out? How easily and conveniently were users able to navigate the experience?

Assistive chatbot

1. Accuracy and effectiveness: How well does the chatbot perform in terms of accuracy and effectiveness in providing assistance to users? This includes factors such as response time, relevance of responses, and overall user satisfaction.

2. Accessibility: How accessible is the chatbot to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities or language barriers? This includes factors such as ease of use, multilingual support, and compatibility with various devices.

3. Extensibility: How well does the chatbot integrate with other platforms and systems in the larger ecosystem? This includes factors such as external integrations with social media, e-commerce systems, and other marketing tools.

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